Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yesterday and today

Yesterday i saw the past days of my life which i could remember be it bad or good.
Yesterday i looked down upon the bad days when i was low and realized that i was the main culprit behind it and i was the one who made things complicated for others.
Yesterday i called back the things i did for my family and frnds and realized that it were they who were there with me and i was nowhere in my picture.
Yesterday i seeked through myself and found lot of emptyness and fakeness which i had created right from the day i started lying.It was me who made everything difficult for my own self.
Yesterday i dreamed those days when i had lot of fun but realized that the sense of being the celebrity or great (in selfish manner) was always pinching and being superior was one of my priorities.
Yesterday i materialized whatever i did whatever i said whatever i lied whatever i was it was not 100% me it was that rishabh whom i forced to be.
But today, I would like to say that one thing which is the damn truth of my life and of which i am proud of myself is . I dont care about anyone who says whatever about me. I only thing i care is from now on i dont have any hate feelings against anyone because today is the day when i got myself completely back from the day i left myself.
Mark my words i dont have anything left negative inside me except two things:

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