Saturday, March 27, 2010

Waking up

Woke up in the middle of a night
saw an instant message of a friend
hoping to see a reply from someone
No replies even when sun was bright.

Woke up in the middle of a night
saw a missed call of a friend
hoping a call back from someone
No calls even when sun was bright.

Woke up in the middle of a night
saw a smiley text of a friend
hoping a cute smile from someone
No text even when sun was bright.

I realized what to do and say
Instead of waiting by the bay
Done hoping for the bright ray
Found who always makes my day
Forgot about it taking my way

Friends are the one who are the best
Always help you building your nest
Believe in you and never take test
Their love and support are my gest
Always poke you even when you rest

Woke up in the middle of a night
saw the life with help of a friend
hoping nothing but said bye to someone
No tears again even when sun was bright.

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