Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Homecoming

Landed at the airport waiting
The luggage came on the railing
I couldnt control my emotions
Smiling throughout the portion
A song was stuck in my mind
happy homecoming for 1st time.

Night one started on a good note
met my bachcha in her track suit
She hugged me and dropped a tear
i knew her pain but couldnt share
A breeze came and made me smile
Happy homecoming for 2nd time

Next few days I partied like hell
day and night i was out of my well
Met my bros and all of my friends
cant forget those moments we spent
clouds came and shadowed my light
Happy homecoming for 3rd time

Went on yatra and saw my dynasty
it was the lifetime fun and lively
We went places and prayed in temples
played along and i showed my sample
God came down and blessed my aisle
Happy homecoming for 4th time

Came back and took some rest
but you guys wont leave my nest
we talked we chatted and had blast
I fell sad because this would last
They came to make me feel the pride
Happy home coming for 5th time

Days came closer when ill be leaving
already felt the sadness of the waving
but as we say nuthing would stop us
made everyday hell like an octopus
Saw the wings flying by my side
happy homecoming for 6th time

The night came and I left home in pain
Memories flashing in front of my lane
I made myself clear about the new craving
Would bang the start with my full daring
I left my country on a happy sign
Happy homecoming for last time

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