Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Sea

Standing that morning by the beach
Wondering where that ship gonna reach
Dimming into the clouds as it cruise
Seems like the sea getting a bruise
Watering with the emotions it twirls
sea goes silent and the ship hurls

Dawn comes in and bright sun sets
Tides growl as the darkness directs
This silence kills the hope and joy
Moon plays with sea like a small toy
Nobody eyes frustration of that water
they dont feel the pain it slaughters

Patience was its key to make it through
Waiting for that light makes it move
those streams say that we are along
twirl and whirl they sing the bond
not giving up is their only message
never panic and wait for the passage

That beautiful sun and the ship are back
It feels the breeze and forget the lack
Every morrow is the way to make a start
all of us aim for bulls eye on the dart
This start is all what we should prevail
Forget the past and wait for your avail

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