Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I love you

When I say you bye on the phone
thought wish I could be at home
so that I can see you again to tell
I am allright and all is going well
Its just that I really miss you alot
but cant tell you as it will distort

Talking to you on phone feels great
but after that your thoughts aches
I know this cant go well like this
but tears me apart when you are his
Its just that I really want you alot
but cant tell you as it will distort

Listening you laugh makes my day
all i want is to listen your say
They say long distance never works
but hiding it from you really hurts
Its just that I really like you alot
but cant tell you as it will distort

I just cant see or date another girl
cause thinking about you makes me whirl
I know I am not perfect or best for you
but every word i am saying is really true
Its just that I really pine you alot
but cant tell you as it will distort

I want you to tap me in every success
I want your hand for me in every stress
I want you to be always there by my side
I want your support to face every tide
Its just that I really need you alot
but cant tell you as it will distort

I try to be happy but I really cant
Its just you what all I genuinely want
I dont know I am getting crazy and mad
passing all the feeling inside your hat
Its just that I really wish you alot
but cant tell you as it will distort

Here I am on my knees and open hands
waiting for your answer please be fast
I cant wait anymore for your portion
My heart cannot suffer more affliction
Its just that I really love you alot
and want to tell I wont let it distort.