Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I love you

When I say you bye on the phone
thought wish I could be at home
so that I can see you again to tell
I am allright and all is going well
Its just that I really miss you alot
but cant tell you as it will distort

Talking to you on phone feels great
but after that your thoughts aches
I know this cant go well like this
but tears me apart when you are his
Its just that I really want you alot
but cant tell you as it will distort

Listening you laugh makes my day
all i want is to listen your say
They say long distance never works
but hiding it from you really hurts
Its just that I really like you alot
but cant tell you as it will distort

I just cant see or date another girl
cause thinking about you makes me whirl
I know I am not perfect or best for you
but every word i am saying is really true
Its just that I really pine you alot
but cant tell you as it will distort

I want you to tap me in every success
I want your hand for me in every stress
I want you to be always there by my side
I want your support to face every tide
Its just that I really need you alot
but cant tell you as it will distort

I try to be happy but I really cant
Its just you what all I genuinely want
I dont know I am getting crazy and mad
passing all the feeling inside your hat
Its just that I really wish you alot
but cant tell you as it will distort

Here I am on my knees and open hands
waiting for your answer please be fast
I cant wait anymore for your portion
My heart cannot suffer more affliction
Its just that I really love you alot
and want to tell I wont let it distort.

The Sea

Standing that morning by the beach
Wondering where that ship gonna reach
Dimming into the clouds as it cruise
Seems like the sea getting a bruise
Watering with the emotions it twirls
sea goes silent and the ship hurls

Dawn comes in and bright sun sets
Tides growl as the darkness directs
This silence kills the hope and joy
Moon plays with sea like a small toy
Nobody eyes frustration of that water
they dont feel the pain it slaughters

Patience was its key to make it through
Waiting for that light makes it move
those streams say that we are along
twirl and whirl they sing the bond
not giving up is their only message
never panic and wait for the passage

That beautiful sun and the ship are back
It feels the breeze and forget the lack
Every morrow is the way to make a start
all of us aim for bulls eye on the dart
This start is all what we should prevail
Forget the past and wait for your avail

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Everyone wants to be in a relation
this anxiety is there in perception
But always wait for the right mate
Never ever make decisions in one date
Speeding things always make them fail
Test your ship before you ever sail.

Being desparate shoudnt be your thing
Wait for the one whom along you wana sing
Friendship is the best thing in our life
dont ignore them when you make the dive
Theyll always be there to give you hand
Even if you fail and dont deserve to stand

Each one of us needs some kind of attention
on the cost of others its lethal and potion
Being alone in end will scare you like hell
so dont be selfish and treat your friends well.
Friends are the one who make height of trust
Your one wrong decision could make it rust

Before making him/her the one for you
Ask your frnds for help and for input
They are the one who know you the best
Say him/her yes if he/ she pass there test
I know you always want the "one" in spark
But understand and look ahead for that dark.