Monday, July 4, 2011

The Road Of My Dream

Dawning into the night on that evening
Was still half asleep and day dreaming
Dreams becoming reality, realities dream
pebble on the sea or its that harsh stream
Flowing away the real and flourishing the fake
One even cant figure out which road to take.
Just Dont know where this road is gonna lead
but over that end would be the dream I speak
Will reality ruin the path that I will choose
or my strength comes over and will cut it loose.

Feeling deserted in this aisle of my faith
no hidden feelings as I am taking it straight.
Is it the path of that success or another defeat
or will the fight would end on that road indeed
Will the path be filled with darkness in doom
or the sunshine will erase it with all its gloom.
No cars, no buses and there wont be any aircraft
Or its ups and downs as my crooked boat rafts.
Will reality ruin the belief that I will derive
or my strength would come over and I will survive.

Desiring for the ultimate, running through the trough
Will it be smooth like highway or will be rocky rough
The situation is pretty tough and with complications
Filled along with anxiety alongwith lots of situations
The prior step will decide the destiny of my next fleet
in order to fly along or slowing it down in the reef
Fighting to create my identity for the world to respect
leaving behind everything to write down my own aspect.
The experience, the roughness and that rounding stream
Making a start and riding down the road of my dream.